Windows: DEMO_XY.exe 23 Linux: ./ 23
Each pixel of picture represents one mesh node.
white colour - vacuum red colour - electrode 1 green colour - electrode 2
mesh size: number of rows == 190 numner of columns == 280 coordinates: x_start == +0.0 [mm] x_stop == +279.0 [mm] y_start == +0.0 [mm] y_stop == +189.0 [mm] number of iterations >>> SUCCESS - solution V(x,y) has been found after 157145 iterations electrode 1 (red A+B) (A) boundary == +1 voltage == +9.0 [V] i_col == 51 .. 115 i_row == 81 .. 90 (B) boundary == +1 voltage == +9.0 [V] i_col == 106 .. 115 i_row == 41 .. 80 electrode 2 (round, green) boundary == +2 voltage == +0.0 [V] x_center == +165.0 [mm] y_center == +95.0 [mm] radius == +20.0 [mm] computation accuracy: eps == 1.0E-9 [V]
Important: determinig of exact values of E near electrode surface is generally problematic. These maps have generally illustrative character.
Important: determinig of exact values of E near electrode surface is generally problematic. These maps have generally illustrative character.
algorihm of computation: E = sqrt(E_x*E_x + E_y*E_y)
Important: determinig of exact values of E near electrode surface is generally problematic. These maps have generally illustrative character.
algorithm of computation: E*E = E_x*E_x + E_y*E_y
Important: determinig of exact values of E near electrode surface is generally problematic. These maps have generally illustrative character.
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